Sunday, October 27, 2013


Fall is finally upon us here, the leaves are starting to change, the air is crisp and cool. I have been debating for the last week whether or not to pull out my quilt and decided to take it out last night - not necessarily because I was cold but to feel bundled in fluffy blankets. I can still get away with not wearing a jacket to work but usually regret not bringing one by the time I leave work. 

Earlier this month we had a day off mid week for Hanguel Day. Hanguel is the Korean alphabet. From what I have heard, they have been going back and forth as to whether this is an official holiday or not. Last year it wasn't, this year it was. Chris, Chuck and I decided to go hiking at Namhansanseong Mountain/Fortress. The walls of the fortress really reminded me of the Great Wall of China. Here are some pictures from the day:

For the second half of our hike, we decided to walk on the outside of the wall 

Below is one of the fortress gates (I believe they are called).

That weekend Chris, Ben and I went to Dongdaemun to go shopping. Dongdaemun is another huge area for shopping. There are several markets as well as skyscrapers full of designer shops. I was looking for a jacket and boots in particular. I only brought my heavy peacoat and wanted an in between jacket. We walked through the market and successfully found a jacket. Later we headed back to Myeongdong and I found a pair of boots. We also met up with Ben's girlfriend, Bo, and had delicious Indian food. 

The next weekend I went for dinner with Emmalee (who I went to Korea Burn with). We met in Gangnam and tried for almost two hours to find an Indian place to eat at. Eventually we found one and spent the night eating and catching up. It was a great evening. The next day I met up with my friend Myan. There are several universities in the area she lives in so we walked around them. The architecture is amazing. We went to Kyunghee University, Hankik University of Foreign Studies and Korea University. Later that evening we had Thai food. I was unfamiliar with everything on the menu, but picked a dish (of which the name escapes me now) but it was so good (which I feel like I say about everything I eat now). 

A lot of the buildings in Hoegi are covered in really cool graffiti, here are two shots of my favourite pieces I saw from that day. 

Some art structures from one of the University's art wings. 

Here is a picture of myself and Myan from a while ago. This was when we got together after the first time we met each other. We went for food with another guy (Ananth) we both met on our trip to Daebudo.

Diana and Anie both had their birthdays this month too! We had a class party to celebrate them. Diana is on the left and Anie is on the right, both wearing their pretty pink birthday dresses. 

Michael being goofy. 

I also had my first parent meeting a week or so ago. Before the big day I had to prepare some notes on each of my kindergarten students (all positive things only) which I would present in front of the Moms. I was a bit nervous the morning of, but knew it would go well. I was pulled out of my class in the morning and sat down to meet the Moms who were all very nice, but also very quiet. I introduced myself and talked a bit about the class in general and what we typically do during the day. Afterwards I spoke about each student individually. My supervisor translated the whole time. There were no questions for me at the end, so I headed back to class as they finished the meeting. My supervisor told me later that they all want me to teach their kids first grade come the new school year next year. As well, we write weekly reports to the parents and after my meeting, I got several notes back from the Mom's commenting on how their child always talks about me, and that they "can see why". It was very sweet and super interesting to meet them all!  

I of course have a lot to say and several pictures to show for Halloween but will save that for my next post! Stay tuned! :)


1 comment:

  1. So exciting that you were requested to be their grade 1 teacher ash. You seem to be doing a great job and finding your place nicely. Really proud of you.
